March is going to get a 31 Day Project. Blake was born on March 14, 2004 at 10:44 pm. He weighed in just under 8 pounds and 21 inches long. Melissa and Jake were in the delivery room with me, and Lissa was the happiest because he came into the world on her birthday! My parents and several close friends were waiting outside the delivery room and all were invited in within minutes of Blake being born. He was surrounded by friends on the day of his birth, and my son is still surrounded by friends today. In honor of March being his birth month, this will be 31 days of pictures of Blake Eben
Day 1: A photo of Blake!
Day 2: A photo of Blake at least one year ago.
Also it’s a BIRTHday!! Happy Birthday to my LITTLE brother Bobby!! He’s finally 20 today!
Day 3: A photo that makes Blake happy.
Day 4: A photo of a place Blake would like to visit.
Day 5: A photo of someone that makes Blake laugh.
Day 6: A photo of someone that Blake loves.
Day 7: A photo of someone that Blake misses.
Day 8: A photo of something Blake and I enjoy doing.
Day 9: A photo of Blake as a baby!
Day 10: A photo of Blake before he was born!
Day 11: A photo of a time Blake had a lot of fun!
Day 12: A photo of Blake and something that makes him happy!
Day 13: A photo of one of Blake’s favorite movies!
Day 14: A BIRTHday picture of Blake! Then and now!
Day 15: A photo of a family member and Blake!
Day 16: A photo from his childhood.
Day 17: A photo from a trip he’ll never forget!
Day 18: A photo of Blake’s hometown.
Day 19: A photo of last summer.
Day 20: A photo of Blake's favorite food.
Day 21: A photo of Blake and his best friend!
Day 22: A photo that Blake took.
Day 23: A photo of something Blake wants to do someday.
Day 24: A photo of what Blake wants to be when he grows up.
Day 25: A photo of Blake’s favorite pastime.
Day 26: A photo of Blake’s favorite subject in school.
Day 27: A photo of something Blake looks forward to.
Day 28: A photo of something/someone that made Blake’s day.
Day 29: A photo of Blake’s favorite historical person.
Day 30: A photo of Blake’s favorite animal.
Day 31: A photo of Blake today!